The Value of Retreats
(We retreat to advance - part two)
Why are retreats so expensive??
I will tell you honestly, not all retreats are expensive. In fact, if you join the Facebook groups specializing in retreats, you can find a retreat to match just about any budget. There’s everything from single day events, to weekends of camping and glamping to exquisite month long stays in 5-star resorts. Additionally, you can find retreats for just about any purpose: simply traveling with a group, learning to grow a business, healing from grief, releasing trauma, practicing yoga, exploring sexuality, and a plethora of retreats with a focus on New Age healing modalities.
So, let’s rephrase the question: Why are FreeFly retreats worth paying for?
Our retreats are unique in a few major ways:
We are focused on mental health. Lauren and I are trauma-informed, clinical mental health counselors and as such our retreats are full of science-backed modalities for healing, including mindfulness and meditation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, experiential therapy, adventure therapy, creativity, and safe space to heal.
We are Christ-centered and Spirit-led. While there are sooo many retreats out there dabbling in the spiritual realm and claiming healing, we focus on connection with the Creator, the one who knows us best, to bring deep and true healing. We create space for you to reconnect with God and explore your faith, without judgment or pressure. You are provided with daily devotional readings, time for reflection and journaling, and we create space to engage in prayer and worship together.
Our retreat packaging is also all-inclusive. This means every detail is taken care of, so you don’t have to think or plan a thing! Just pack and show up!
Let me break down the value for you:
$ Luxury beachfront accommodations. Sweeping views of the sea or intracoastal waterway. Heated pool. Hot tub. Private or shared rooms with en-suite bathrooms at a variety of price points. $1500 - 2200
$ Group therapy – 6 main sessions = 12 hours of group therapy : $450 – 850,
plus a fun follow up reunion group: $75
$ Individual follow up session to promote continued growth: $150
$ Three meals a day, featuring comforting home cooking, chef prepared meals, and our fabulous low-country boil farewell feast: $450+
$ Activities:
Stand up Paddleboarding excursion: $100
50-minute spa massage: $100
Bikes on site for your use: $75
Art supplies for group and individual use
“Playtime” experiences
$ Every detail prayed over, planned and prepared for you: PRICELESS
Now, that is the monetary value. But the true value in a retreat, as Lauren shared yesterday, is getting away from the busyness and stress of daily life, to a beautiful place where you can let go of responsibility and embrace rest. You might wonder how this is different from vacation. “Can’t I just do this on my own?”
If you read my blog above about thin spaces, you’ll know that experience happened on a family vacation. But don’t get me wrong - when I walked in from the beach that morning, I was right back on mom duty. The moment was beautiful, but fleeting, and the rest of the day was full. On our retreats though, every activity and group is orchestrated to bring you into a place of renewal and healing. These moments are savored, expanded upon and shared. We create space for your soul to breathe, and to relax, play, and explore. The true value is in walking away different than when you arrived, carrying more tools, countless memories, and more joy, so that you can re-enter your life equipped to continue growing. We retreat to advance. The benefits are long-lasting and priceless and only God knows how far they will reach.
If these benefits are something you feel that you need, we encourage you to pray about the investment. If God is truly calling you to come, He will also help to provide the way.